
Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta

Evidence: Unconfirmed


Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
Mucha-Habermann disease
Acuta guttale parapsoriasis


Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA) is the acute form of an inflammatory skin condition called pityriasis lichenoides. People with PLEVA may develop a few to more than one hundred scaling papules which may become filled with blood and/or pus or erode into crusted red-brown spots. Papules may itch or burn, and some people may experience fever or joint pain. Although PLEVA may occur at any age (including infancy), it most commonly affects children and young adults.


US Prevalence unknown. Medscape reports 124,000

Typical Age of onset

Prevalence not found. More often affects adolescents and young adults, usually appearing before the age of 30, but can occur at any age. Slightly more common in males. [Ersoy-Evans 2007]


  • red patches that quickly turn into small bumps 5-15 mm in diameter (papules)

  • red patches may be covered with a fine shiny scale

  • bumps may fill with pus or blood