Adiposis dolorosa
Note: We cannot find evidence that adiposis dolorosa is autoimmune. It remains on the list while we determine how to categorize diseases of this type.
Adiposis dolorosa
Anders disease
Dercum's disease
Fatty tissue rheumatism
Juxta-Articular adiposis dolorosa
Lipomatosis dolorosa morbus dercum's
Adiposis dolorosa is characterized by the slow formation of multiple, painful growths consisting of fatty tissue (lipomas) that are found just below the surface of the skin. Pain may vary from mild discomfort when a growth is pressed or touched to severe pain that is disproportionate to the physical findings.
Patient Groups
Prevalence data on Adiposis dolorosa does not exist. Unsupported statements on prevalence are contradictory. Day 2019 reports it is “rare disease” while Buck 2016 reports it is a “relatively common disease”.
AD is comorbid with confirmed autoimmune diseases, and is more common among women. For this reason, we include it in our list to support research to confirm its cause,
Typical Age of onset
Between 35-50 years old; women are affected more often than men.
painful, fatty lumps (tumors) covering the body (lipomas)
obesity, frequently in menopausal age
weakness and fatigue
emotional instability, depression, epilepsy, confusion, and dementia.
being bruised easily
trouble with sleeping
memory issues
elevated heart rate
difficulty with concentration
joint aches
shortness of breath