Giant cell arteritis
Evidence: T Cell
Cranial arteritis
Giant cell erteritis
Granulomatous arteritis
Horton’s disease
Temporal arteritis
Giant cell arteritis is an inflammation of the lining of the arteries that typically affects the arteries in the head. Giant cell arteritis can frequently cause headaches, scalp tenderness, jaw pain and vision problems.
Patient Groups
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US Cases: 175,000 - 275,000 [Crowson 2017] based on prevalence of 161 - 254 in the over-50 population.
Typical Age of onset
Mostly occurs in adults between the ages of 70 - 80.
Persistent, severe head pain, usually in your temple area
Jaw pain when you chew or open your mouth wide
Scalp tenderness
Unintended weight loss
Vision loss or double vision, especially in those who also have jaw pain
Sudden, permanent loss of vision in one eye
Source: Mayo Clinic